Thursday, November 1, 2012

Marvel Godzila

FROM 1977 TO 1979 When Marvel became one of the earliest or first Company to publish a Godzilla a comic that wasn't a Manga.


 This Beast has managed to battle and beat many hero's and even villans like Fantastic Four, and
The Avengers.

The Company either had no intrest in buying the rights of other Toho monsters or just simply couldn't afford it, well it may not matter but one thing is intresting that despite that he would be Responsible for other Charactors in Marvel that would later apper in other marvel comics such as Red Ronin who was created by writer Doug Moench and artist Herb Trimpe.
File:Redroninrobot1.jpg I don't know why they put Devil Dinosaur in theGodzilla series maybe it was because they were trying to get people into it again after the series Failed.Devildino.jpg

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Matt Frank

I said I talk about Matt Frank and I asked if it was okay to do a blog about him and he said Yes so here it goes.

We all know those Godzilla comics from IDW the covers for issue number #1 came in more 100 different covers mostly Exclusive and Matt Frank was pretty involved with I believe almost all of them.

But that's not what he orginally started in his career in fact he worked on many other kind of comics like transformers.  this is part of how he got involved with Godzilla but the main reason is that he asked Chris Ryall is Chief Creative Officer and Editor-in-Chief of IDW Publishing (2004–Present) and the love of Matt art work thought that okay let's give this guy a chance and that one of the reasons how he got the job besides being a Fan.

The series came out I didn't even know about Matt Franks existence until the G-fest last Year when I found out about him I thought wow I never thought I meet someone inovled with the comics but I asked if I could buy that Godzilla legends #1 sketck cover, but he said he couldn't sell it to me because it was the last one,  and no this photo is not from the G-fest you see below                 

anyway I talked to him and soon we became fast friends and talked about Godzilla and other things to past to the time and we still chat and loves items I show in my collection like when I had nearly all the Godzilla kingdom of monsters, gangsters and Goliath's and Godzilla legends he said he was gonna faint which I laugh for reasons I guess because he never seen so many of those comics in one place. 

I had an interview of him at the G-fest last year but a warning if you hear me talk funny it's because I have autism just a warning.

Well I hope you enjoyed this blog.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Godzilla half century war #1 though 2

 The issue one Stand out among most godzilla comics is that it seems to be like a remake of the first but put in a comic book and the fact that godzilla has a more mordern look but the Art is often considered the best of every Scale, car, treem and even the wreckage the monster has done. Its a good one.

Issue two is like it based on another Godzilla movie which is the 2nd godzilla movie the Art is even better the first issue and the monster fights are just fantastic the problem I have is that the comic never says how many covers there are.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Godzilla Vs Megalon Comic

 You never thought you see a Godzilla comic book with other monsters before IDW well this pretty much shows it, Any way this comic book wasn't made to be in any stores at all infact you could only get this in the Theater. This is considered to be the Rarest American Godzilla Comic out there it's due to the Fact that There wasn't enough for everyone who came to the theater, the ones that were left over were thrown away, and often people would tear it up because of the type of Paper made at the time and that fact its only 4 pages.

So you better keep looking for them because there are not many left in Great shape so start looking.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


As I go along I will show much more then just comic books from IDW I will tell you guys How I got, how long it and even people who were involed Let me talk about issue #1

I was surpise when this was going to be Released I thought ya so I didn't think it was anything specail but to my surpise IDW got other monsters from Toho which had never happen before I got so Exicted I couldn't wait to start Reading, It was great not the best but great, Before I even knew it there were tons of covers just waiting for me out thier I have all the Covers except the foot ones which I still have a long way to go.

The Story of dealing with monsters attacking citys and causing panick in a more realist manner rather then just showing people running away like in the movies it dosen't say How Godzilla was Born but it does show how he got atomic breath.

 Now you may Notice about this cover and say why isn't it up there with the other well I'll tell you the story, according to my Friend Matt Frank who does the Covers told me that it was origanlly suppose to the Eye cover, but Toho wanted it changed to make it more like Godzilla and so this was never Released

I'll Talk about Matt Frank another Time so enjoy the Blog.